My Inspiration

Hello Everyone,

Are you ready for Spring?  I know I am!  Hang in there....just a little bit longer.

Someone asked me yesterday what makes me take certain picture, i.e. do I randomly take pictures, just because.  That's an interesting question, yes and no.  I'll be honest, a lot of times I have no idea what I'm going to come up with until I've done it.  Other times, I may leave the house with something specific in mind and just head there.  Not all my pictures are picture perfect either.  There have certainly been afternoons where I've been out for hours and then I'm not happy with even one shot I took.  Do I consider it a waste?  Absolutely not!  I'm doing what I love and I'm happy with it, not to mention I'm constantly learning what works for me and what doesn't.

Here's an example of something I did randomly:

You've seen these two pictures and I'm using them as examples because I've gotten many positive responses on them.  It was my intention to be somewhere else this particular afternoon but ended up here after seeing glimpses of the river from the highway.  It was very cold and I figured I would just see what was by the river, to well, just see lol.  I mean, really, how often do you think about what is going on down at the river in 10 degree weather or even care for that matter?  Not very often, I'm sure.  It was very quiet....I heard nothing but the sound of the ice cracking, the water current and birds breaking into the ice for food.  I'm not one that is particularly fond of the cold so it was unusual that I was even down by the water, however, it was beautiful, peaceful and serene.  The next thing I knew, I saw a scene in my mind and well, you see what I came up with, lol.  That's what does it for me.

Something else that I do is people watch.  I do that everyday, all day and think I've been doing it forever.  I like to be behind the scenes and notice EVERYTHING, lol. I have a sister that loves spoken word and we'd often go to different venues where she would participate a few years ago.  I like spoken word but I'm by far not a poet, she is the performer....however, I loved to go and watch all the talent.  This was around the time I started to really get into photography and would bring my camera.  To watch the expressions of not only the spoken word artists but also the audience is something in itself, absolutely mesmerizing.  I captured many moments from those venues and also met a lot of really nice, talented people that became new friends.  I love to photograph total strangers because I think it makes for some of the best pictures.  You have no idea what the story is behind an expression but it makes you wonder, doesn't it? Maybe you come up with a story all of your own behind it that might make you laugh or cry.  Either way its a story....and that does it for me.

Do I always have my camera with me?  I'd say about 90% of the time I do.  There are times when I just like to hang out as well and do something else with my time such as crochet, watch movies, whatever it may be.  The other 90% of the time I have my camera with me and I'm out taking new pictures or practicing new techniques.  Like I said, I don't take perfect pictures each and every time.  What is a perfect picture anyway?  What I may like, may not appeal to the next person and that is just the way it is.  I take pictures of what I see.  Something thought to be ordinary, might not be so ordinary.

And that is what goes on in this head of mine.....welcome to my world!

Til next time,


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