Welcome to New Haven
Hi Everyone!
This weekend has certainly been interesting with the weather acting like its uncertain what season it was wants to be in. However, it was gracious to me while I had some fun down in New Haven.
What I really like about New Haven is that its always very busy, you see many different people and activities happening. I like to think of it as a slight preview before you get to New York...
Back out on the street again.....ALOT of traffic. You see a little bit of everything on the main streets. Its been awhile since I've seen anyone riding with a boom box. I really got that "Big City" feel hanging out here for the day.
It wasn't all hustle and bustle, some were just taking relaxing strolls on the green.
I can't even begin to tell you about the architecture in New Haven. I'll save that for another day....but this is a shot of a portion of City Hall. I was mostly focused on the people and what was happening but couldn't resist taking this one building shot.
It was a great afternoon to say the least. The funny thing is right when we left the area, it started to rain and rained the rest of the evening. I felt as if the weather had really done me a favor.
Til next time,
K :)
This weekend has certainly been interesting with the weather acting like its uncertain what season it was wants to be in. However, it was gracious to me while I had some fun down in New Haven.
What I really like about New Haven is that its always very busy, you see many different people and activities happening. I like to think of it as a slight preview before you get to New York...
Many people are waiting for the bus....some are talking on their cell phones, listening to music or just standing around taking in the scene.
My son elected to get himself in the next shot....somehow he figured I wouldn't see him. He underestimates me, lol.
Here he is again as we head to Buffalo Wings for lunch.....and what a good lunch it was!
Back out on the street again.....ALOT of traffic. You see a little bit of everything on the main streets. Its been awhile since I've seen anyone riding with a boom box. I really got that "Big City" feel hanging out here for the day.
It was a great afternoon to say the least. The funny thing is right when we left the area, it started to rain and rained the rest of the evening. I felt as if the weather had really done me a favor.
Til next time,
K :)
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